Sorry this review is a day late, as far as I’m concerned, yesterday just didn’t happen :)
As always, there will be spoilers!
Summary: This is a Target Novel, so it’s a written version of David Tennant’s first episode as the Tenth Doctor, The Christmas Invasion. The newly regenerated Doctor leaves Rose Tyler to deal with an oncoming invasion from the Sycorax, with the help of Harriet Jones, Prime Minister.
I read this book while on an air plane to visit family and I had to stop myself from crying at least six times. Jenny T. Colgan is my favourite Who author and it’s books like these that make up why. She stayed so true to the story, never adding in details that seemed unnecessary or excessive (looking at you RTD) but also gave us more insight to the characters. I also really liked the last little chapter at the end, when the Doctor has Christmas dinner with the Tyler’s and at one point, it says that the Doctor looked over at the television screen and saw that it was blurry, hence the brainy specs. I don’t know why, I just thought it was a really clever thing to include because other than that little scene in “Time Crash”, we don’t really hear much about the Doctor’s glasses.
I loved how much detail was included in this book, and I really enjoyed how it expresses Rose’s hesitance and fear after the Doctor regenerated. That episode always kind of bothered me because Rose was always portrayed as one of the Doctor’s *closest* companions, and yet we still see her denying who he is, despite having watched the process of his regeneration. This book really helped me understand why she was so afraid of admitting who the Doctor was, and how scared the Doctor himself was of the possibility of losing her.
All around a great book. I highly recommend this to anyone more inclined towards the romantic aspects of Doctor Who, and anyone looking for a quick read. This whole thing took me about three hours to finish, cover to cover. I’m giving this book 9.99/10 TARDISes, just because I’m not a TenRose shipper :/.
Sorry there was no poll this time, I’ll have more options for my next review shortly. Last week I had the pleasure of attending the Gallifrey One convention in Los Angeles and I picked up way more books than I probably should have XD. I now have stories featuring the First Doctor, the Fourth Doctor, the Seventh Doctor, and Doctors 9-13 as well as anthologies and character books.