9th/10th doctors sonic screwdriver
11th/12th doctors sonic screwdriver
12th doctors second sonic screwdriver
13th doctors sonic screwdriver
14th doctor’s sonic screwdriver
15th doctors sonic screwdriver
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Sonic Screwdriver is a multi-purpose tool that allows him to, power-up, hack into, repair, open, destroy/disable various things.
Here are the main features that the Sonic Screwdriver has shown to do:
Hacking: Sonic Screwdriver has been shown in various stories to hack even the most advanced technology. Whether it can be doors, computers, networks, spaceships, cash machines, phones, alarms, or any technology, the Doctor can hack it. They can disable weapons, barriers/force fields, cloaking, bombs, and reverse teleportation. It has also been shown to be able to hack Robots that were made from cutting-edge technology.
Unlocking: A get-out-of-jail-free card is not needed when you have one. The Doctor’s sonic screwdriver serves as one. One of its uses is to open any door, lock, barrier, handcuffs, basically, and security systems he wants. He can also close them, fuse the materials to make them last longer, and open and close tears across space-time.
Scanning: Both a universal GPS and Pokemon Pocket Index, this two-in-one allows The Doctor to get information and find its location simultaneously. It can detect all lifeforms, gather information from nearly anything, and check for interference. The scanning can locate simple things like apples to Dimensional Lesions and even the TARDIS and could summon her. It can also be used to check the person’s health and status, including their DNA.
Energy Manipulation: The Sonic Screwdriver also has protective features where one of them can control energy. It can go as far as to use power for projection, since the War, 10th, and 11th doctors were able to reflect, resulting in killing a Dalek. When one Doctor uses it, it can create sound waves to deflect bullets, sonic cannons, and stasis beams. The 13th Doctor has also shown to be able to create force fields. In the video game Dalek Attack, it can also just shoot lasers… cause why not, really?
Magnetism: The Sonic Screwdriver has been shown to affect magnetic fields. As the 5th Doctor once reversed the magnetic field on Monopticons. It can also magnetise itself to remove bolts.
Amplification: Depending on the target, the Sonic Screwdriver can power up both itself and any other device in use. The Sonic Screwdriver alone one time created a storm and made it rain. It also was stated by the Thirteenth Doctor to be able to overload the weapons of the Judoon.
Molecule Manipulation: The Sonic Screwdriver can manipulate the molecules of what it’s used on. An example was when the 10th had the Sonic vibrate two people’s wrist molecules to disarm them. He also used it to break a sword. It can resonate with concrete by changing its vibration.
Erase: Where it has a pen, it can help to also come with a eraser. Except it can do more than just erase words - including erasing memories from people and even data from devices.
Telekinesis: The Screwdriver has been shown to be able to move objects and throw people around.
Reality Manipulation: Overall, the Sonic screwdriver has almost no limits as it has so many features to bend time and space. It can create fire and heat, repair anything even if it is as advanced as the TARDIS, ignite explosives no matter how old, can project many sounds, make teleportations, alter the density of something, change sizes, and can control matter itself. While he does not like to kill anyone with the Screwdriver, it has been shown it is possible, since it once destroyed ships and a school.
Sonic Shield Generating: The Fourteenth Doctor's sonic screwdriver had the uncommon ability to generate shields to stop bullets and neural anesthetic shots.
I showed y'all the 3D model, now here it is in person.
My custom Sonic Screwdriver I designed myself.
Just saying, mine doesn't look like an LG Smart TV remote. Not to throw shade at Dan Walker or anything. (Joking, joking, I like the new one)
Everyone has their versions of the Doctor and TARDIS. This is just mine.
Well, 14's Sonic Screwdriver didn't last long. What do we think of 15's?
It's been 15 minutes since I saw it and I'm already sick of hearing about how it looks like a TV remote.
Heya folks.
Figured while everyone's complaining about the new Sonic Screwdriver would be a good time to share this.
I've designed my own.
I'm not entirely happy with it just yet, but I'm not sure what to really do with it. I definitely need to rethink the emitter at the end.
This is how I want to be remembered.
66 Votes in Poll
Hi i'm @Splattim50 and i now achieved the title of Whovian after receiving my first Sonic Screwdriver! enjoy your day and i hope i get to meet everyone!
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