I've finished Elisabeth Sladen with Baker. Now I find Baker & Jameson very boring. Sooner or later I'll be like this in future seasons.
I've finished Elisabeth Sladen with Baker. Now I find Baker & Jameson very boring. Sooner or later I'll be like this in future seasons.
So I heard a lot of people hated the Timeless Child thingy. Personally, I'm not happy with it but I thought it wasn't the absolute worst thing that they could have done with the series.
But people still really hated it so I'm going suggest some ideas on how the next writers, whoever they may be, could undo this thing.
Jodie Whittaker was not actually the doctor. The doctor is actually somehow perceiving everything from a different timelord, and was actually not the timeless child.
Mistaken identity. The doctor is actually not the timeless child, but everyone thought she/he/they were, and went nuts on a wild goose chase.
Elaborate lie. This whole entire Timeless Child thing was a huge lie set up by the Division to keep the doctor out of their business while they move to that other universe.
It wAs aLl a dReAm!1!11!Self explanatory. A desperate bid, sure, but viable.
So what do you think of my ideas?