K-9's friends, the second incarnation of Romanadvoratrelundar and future teen Darius Pike.
K-9's friends, the second incarnation of Romanadvoratrelundar and future teen Darius Pike.
77 Votes in Poll
61 Votes in Poll
66 Votes in Poll
39 Votes in Poll
111 Votes in Poll
83 Votes in Poll
98 Votes in Poll
72 Votes in Poll
Who is your favorite and least favorite classic companion?
My favorite is Romana II because she is the only companion who’s intellect is equal (if not more) to the doctors. Also she is more of a friend to the doctor than romana I was. My least favorite companion of classic on the other hand is hands down MEL! I think Mel is the most useless companion in the history of doctor who. All she really does is scream and cause more problems!