94 Votes in Poll
94 Votes in Poll
Woohoo! The first episode of the 60th anniversary specials just came out and I was beyond overjoyed to watch it; I quite literally have been waiting for this episode since FOREVER. That being said, I did have some issues with it that I would like to point out- remember that these are my opinions and I would love your thoughts on them.
The tone- way too fast-paced, and it switched from happy, to sad, to happy again, all too quickly. I honestly was a little bugged about the visible shifts in tone, it felt like lazy writing to me.
Speaking of lazy writing- the ENTIRE metacrisis thing. It was handwaved away like it literally never happened. Kinda bugged me because it was a HUGE tragedy behind Donna's character, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye.
Lazier writing- the sonic screwdriver (that just literally came out of nowhere) can make shields now? The TARDIS magically got a new interior? It felt lazy to me because RTD didn't really bother to add any reasons behind this.
The musical cues- It felt like Murray Gold was yelling out from the screen and telling us what to feel.
The dialogue- it felt sort of jagged, especially when the Meep was getting escorted back home. Like someone wanted foreshadowing dialogue but didn't really bother to do it correctly
The aesthetics- this is honestly a really stupid complaint but I'm not a fan of the new logo and intro music- it felt way too acoustic for a sci-fi romp around space and time. Loved the intro, though! Just disliked how badly it meshed with the music. It sounded like a mishmash of all the themes but without any nuance; just a remix.
The acting- was very good in some places, but the blocking and pacing really made the acting seem odd.
Not enough stakes- yes, London's gonna be destroyed, womp womp, BUT the story didn't take enough time to build it up, to give the episode a real sense of danger.
HOWEVER, I loved some things here:
Rose's transition. LOVED this. I've never seen a show be more open about LGBTQ+ issues, and seeing the blatant transphobia at the beginning, Donna's mother struggling to adjust to her new pronouns, and the Doctor asking the Meep's pronouns- incredible, incredible, incredible.
The acting. I'm not the biggest fan of Tennant's Doctor but he was really fun to watch- I felt like a kid again watching him.
CGI- oh lordy lord the effects were INCREDIBLE. Even if the story was, not the best, it still had some incredible scenes and visuals that I'm falling head over heels for.
This episode was not perfect, and is definitely far from the best. But it was an excellent comeback for the show that defined my childhood and I can't wait for Wild Blue Yonder!
In "Time and the Two," David Tennant reprises his role as the Tenth Doctor and Matt Smith returns as the Eleventh Doctor for an epic encounter that spans across time and space. This standalone feature-length episode, set to premiere in April 2024 on Disney+, promises to be a thrilling and nostalgic adventure for Doctor Who fans.
In this thrilling Doctor Who special, David Tennant returns as the Tenth Doctor, but with a twist – he's also the 14th Doctor! The episode kicks off as the TARDIS materializes in the heart of Cardiff, only to be intercepted by a mysterious signal. Both the Tenth and 14th Doctors step out, baffled by their unexpected convergence.
Investigating the source of the signal, they discover that the Slitheen, a notorious alien race known for their cunning and mischief, have taken control of Torchwood. The Slitheen, led by their ruthless matriarch, Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen (known as "Margaret Blaine" to Earthlings), are using Torchwood's advanced technology to further their malevolent plans.
The Doctors must work together, utilizing their unique personalities, knowledge, and cunning to thwart the Slitheen's invasion. The 10th Doctor's charm and quick thinking combine with the 14th Doctor's wisdom and resourcefulness to devise a brilliant plan. They recruit the help of Captain Jack Harkness and Torchwood's loyal team, who have been locked in the lower levels.
As the Doctors and their allies face the Slitheen, they uncover a plot that threatens not only Earth but the entire universe. The Slitheen aim to harness the power of the Rift in time and space, which Torchwood was designed to protect. With the Doctors' guidance and teamwork, they must prevent the Slitheen from unleashing catastrophic chaos.
The episode features exhilarating timey-wimey moments, witty banter between the Doctors, and a heartwarming nod to the Tenth Doctor's previous companions.
"Doctor Who: The 10th and the 14th" is an unforgettable adventure filled with suspense, humor, and the indomitable spirit of the Doctor, reminding us that even across regenerations, heroes always rise to the occasion.
69 Votes in Poll
All we definitely know is that at least 1 of the specials will be airing in November. Will there even be one that airs on November 23rd (a Thursday)?
Will they all air on the 23rd back to back?
Will they be every Saturday from 11th to 25th?
Who knows?