I was incredibly confused by Mrs Flood in this episode, rambling on and on and on about gates of gold, etc.
But who is she?
Here is what we know:
RTD admitted before the airing of Series 14 that Mrs Flood would be a slow burn, so it is highly likely she is mystery of Series 15 or maybe even 16, as Ncuti’s massive arc (like Silence for Matt Smith).
She regularly breaks the 4th wall, starting with that crucial ‘Never seen a Tardis before’ remark. She has also talked to the audience during the finale, and stated in the Empire of Death that Cherry should
‘Tell your maker that I will storm down his gates of gold and seize his kingdom in my true name’. She stated she had such plans.
However, she is NOT in cahoots with Sutekh or Susan Triad, as she was too disintegrated by his dust of death with Cherry, but celebrated with her, calling the doctor a clever boy.
Later we see her sporting a fabulous white outfit (attached) saying the doctor’s story would end in absolute terror, speaking to the audience.
Can you all judge the theories of:
A. The Trickster
B. The White Guardian
C. Member of the Pantheon
D. River Song
E. God of Stories
F. Susan Foreman
G. Some other Time Lord
H. The woman with red nails in the giggle (I know she doesn’t have red nails, but it could be a trap)
I. The meep’s boss
J. The oldest one
K. One of the Toymaker’s legions