'Eve' of the Daleks is Chris Chibnall's third special on the show and considered by many to be the best, and one of the best episodes of his era in general. It also happens to be my opinion that this episode is absolutely pathetic in every way and the single worst episode of his era, and one of the worst episodes in all of Doctor Who.
Let's start with this; none of my problems with this episode have anything to do with Thasmin. I like LGBTQ+ representation, and while Thasmin probably shouldn't be a headlining couple I am totally fine with this aspect of the episode. Dare I say it was the part I enjoyed the most.
And now on to the trashy bits; the rest of the episode.
I don't like Chibnall as a writer. I think he's a good concept thinker, but he's willing to write anything just so the story can have what he wants. He's also really not good at characterization. But like I said, he's a good concept thinker. The ideas are usually the best parts of his episodes (save for the Timeless Child sweet lord). So is the idea behind the story any good here? No, not really. It's fine and all, but pretty generic. Time loop, have to escape it, yawn. Daleks again. Lots of noncencical running around (we will get to this later). Cute love story between the guest cast, snooze. Pretty basic stuff.
So does the episode find any ways to enhance this? No. It does the opposite. First of all, the main guest character in this (who I can't be bothered to remember the name of) is extremely unlikeable. The actress is fine, but the words put in her mouth are atrocious. I was actively rooting for her to get killed the whole time. The other dude was fine, if a little annoying. Dan and Yaz added practically nothing.
The writing stook out like a sore thumb for the vast majority of it. So the Daleks put a forcefield around the building, but they just forgot to put it over one of the exits? This definitely makes them look like a competent threat. In fact, this is the most insulting part of the whole episode. The way the Daleks are treated like utter buffoons. They attack without strategy, they scream all the time, they make decisions only anyone under the age of 4 would make; these are the scariest villains in Doctor Who? Here, they are rendered to any old dumb evil species. And let me emphasize on dumb. They are really, really stupid in this episode. They fall for an unbelievably obvious trap at the end that kills them all. They never try to anticipate the Doctor's next move and instead just bumble around the building trying to catch her.
On top of all this, the episode thinks their stupid too. It tries to turn them into comic relief at times, but to do so it makes them so incompetent it hurts. They miss people at point blank range in tiny corridors. Actually, that's what happens nearly every time they appear on screen. They chase the Doctor and crew through tiny corridors, shoot at them and miss. This isn't a nitpick either. Just watching the episode, it all looks wrong. It looks like the Daleks are missing on purpose, which is just a testament to how abysmally this episode is directed. Every time the Daleks are onscreen it's chase, shoot, miss. Nothing ever changes. Nothing even remotely creative happens. This is how all the action plays out. Not only does this make the episode really really stupid, it also makes it unbelievably boring and played out.
That's why this is my least favourite episode of the Chibnall Who. Not only is the writing and characterization abysmal, it's also one of the most boring and generic episodes in the entire catalog. Nothing is surprising, nothing is smart, nothing is entertaining. It is the definition of worthless. This is one of the most hollow 58 minutes I've experienced in my life. Truly Chris Chibnall's magnum opus; an episode that falls for all of his flaws and not one of his strengths.
I'd rather rewatch 'Love and Monsters'.