Comment down below your issues with the ninth episode of the fifth series of Doctor Who.
31 Votes in Poll
31 Votes in Poll
Comment down below your issues with the ninth episode of the fifth series of Doctor Who.
One of the best things I can say about this story is that I think it's far better than The Silurians, which it obviously borrows a huge amount from. This is possibly my favourite of the series actually: Chibnall I think spends quite a lot of time in fleshing out the guest characters, mainly Eliot and Ambrose, and making them feel to some extent like real people. There's good performances, and as unpopular as it is with some, I also think the Silurian design is a vast improvement, although I'm not as crazy about the mask—better still is his decision to give them names, even if they're not as developed as the humans. Also, how brilliant to see the fate of the world put in the hands of two women in Amy and Nasreen before he would do the same with the Doctor and Yaz—and at a time where any other writer seems unwilling to do it.
79 Votes in Poll