*As always, there will be spoilers*
Summary: The Eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory land in Egypt in the Victorian era and stumble across an archaeological dig. After Rory accidentally spills tea over the strange purple papyrus found my Mr. Hunt and Mr. Grenfell, it unleashes a deadly parasite that sucks the moisture out of everything it touches. The Doctor and Amy go back in time to the first appearance of the purple reeds that were used to make the papyrus and find that it was being used to prepare bodies for burial- dead or alive.
I liked this book, but there’s something about the Puffin series that makes it feel more like a kid’s show than a proper Doctor Who story. Other than the description of how bodies were mummified in Egyptian times, I’d say that this story bordered on a darker story of the Sarah Jane Adventures, but I still enjoyed it and think it’s worth a read.
I liked Rayner’s portrayals of 11 and the Ponds, I liked how she portrayed their dynamic, but I did think she made Rory a little on the dumb side, especially when he though Amy said something along the lines of ‘spider’ so he throws himself at her and that’s what knocks over the tea onto the papyrus. Brave, but you know, stupid.
I really like the little scene after Amy and the Doctor start investigating a death that turned out to be a murder, and Amy makes a comment about how short and insignificant human lives must seems to the Doctor, and he corrects her, quoting from John Donne, “Any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind.” (Pg. 84). I really liked that scene because we finally get an explanation of the Doctor’s attitude towards his adventures, and even get a bit of a look inside his head when he talks about his ‘professional detachment’ to those different situations.
For something that felt like a kid’s book, it really touched on some pretty deep topics.
As this book was only 159 pages, I recommend this book to anyone who prefers shorter stories with lots of action. I’m giving this story 7/10 TARDISes, just because of Jacqueline Rayner’s portrayal of Rory >_<.
Thanks for reading, next month I hope to be giving a review of ‘Star Tales’, but I will be going back to making my usual poll for recommendations :).