Comment down below your problems with the 2010 Christmas special of Doctor Who.
Comment down below your problems with the 2010 Christmas special of Doctor Who.
I was rewatching “a Christmas carol” and started to wonder, wouldn’t it be great if big finish was able to get Matt Smith, Danny Horn, and Katherine Jenkins back and do an anthology exploring some of the Christmases we didn’t see in the episode?
I know they have got Danny Horn back twice in “the Churchill years” and “the eleventh doctor chronicles” but I think it would be neat if we could get an anthology every year exploring different christmases.
What does everyone else think?
What is there to say other than... utterly enchanting? If series 10 didn't exist I'd be tempted to say this is the best thing Steven Moffat ever did. Choosing one thing to talk about is really difficult, let's say the fish. Because why not?
87 Votes in Poll
80 Votes in Poll
62 Votes in Poll
72 Votes in Poll
A Christmas carol, I love the bit where the Doctor comes down the chimney and says, “Christmas Eve on a rooftop. Saw a chimney, my whole brain just went “What the hell!”