I’m remembering that Capaldi’s first season had a rough start as I’m posting these…
I really don’t like this episode. By this point I’m way past Dalek fatigue, I want them to take a good few years off. Nothing about this episode is remotely intriguing to me, besides the good writing and chemistry with Clara and Danny. Unfortunately, that’s one scene, and the rest is a mixture of “Honey, I Shrunk the Kids” and a rip-off of a much better Eccleston episode.
Am I a good man? Who’s to say, but I feel like that question also works a lot better for Eccelston than it does Capaldi (especially considering Smith’s last two episode involved him saving Gallifrey and beating death after defending Trenzalore for almost a century). I don’t really get the direction here, but don’t worry, Moffat will forget about by the end of the season anyways.