It's a great serial. But one problem I do have with it though is the celebration. It should added some more humour in.
It's a great serial. But one problem I do have with it though is the celebration. It should added some more humour in.
The redesigned Cybermen. They're much more practical as costumes, but so soon after their chilling (no pun intended) first appearance I think this new do is really disappointing. Also, I never get used to these guys' robot voices. Found them incomprehensible far too much of the time.
Otherwise I think this is a splendid little story. It doesn't stand out as much as some of the later, better, "base under siege" stories, and I do remember having a minor issue with the solution involving the Graviton. But I don't remember what it was, so it can't have been that significant.
This is tough for me because we're in my favorite run of the whole show. It's going to get pretty old if I just keep saying "some of it's missing" for my issues :D
@Shambala108 I agree, seasons 4 and 5 are the best, most consistent run of episodes the show's ever seen. Even if I personally prefer the historicals of the even earlier years.
@FH2104 I agree on you with season 5. It has one of the best TARDIS teams ever.
@BenGMan730 Well weirdly enough, if I were pushed to identify the biggest problem with season 5 I'd say it was Victoria. I think she starts off quite interesting (I never tire of that one scene in The Tomb of the Cybermen where she chats with Troughton about death and memory) but come The Web of Fear she's not doing much except whimper. It's very irritating.
Again, this is another one that I just find kind of unremarkable, and don't return to it that often. I will say though, the Cybermen are once again given a major raw deal, with all the aspects that made them interesting and creepy in The Tenth Planet being taken away (they're pretty much just a generic race of robots here, which becomes a frustrating trend in a lot of Cyberman stories going forward), barely being in the stories first half at all, having nigh indecipherable voices, being defeated at one point by what essentially amounts to nail varnish remover, and the reveal that they have been stowing away aboard the moonbase by hiding under bedsheets, which is considerably less threatening than it is comical.
What do you think?