This is a little bit before Troughton had fully settled down. As such, he's relying at this point (in particular in this story) a little too much on japery. His German accent and short-lived catchphrase ("I would like a hat like that!") betray an actor (and writer) still finding his feet.
Otherwise, sure, it could be little bit more gutsy. This is set after the actual battle, when perhaps a more involving story would have the battle still going on. But I enjoy all the historicals, and I have a particular soft spot for this one, what with it being the last. (It's also the most recent vinyl release, still available for those who are interested.) A great story, which I imagine would be hugely improved if it were found. What with the misty docks and the gloomy caves, there's a lot here that's properly missing. Could be a special one, but at current we'll have to settle for great.