@Rtgoqikejuejik Well I don't know where Ana saw it, but RTD said in a Radio Times interview recently that the BBC were very pleased and a re-comission was virtually confirmed.
I don't know where you've been looking, but even if was true, which it demonstrably is not, the BBC are never in a million years going to announce "the latest batch of episodes are the worst yet!" To believe they would is insanity. That's not what they do. If they have done that then I genuinely will eat my own head, and then I'll have to find some other forfeit should the rumour of cancellation be true, one which, obviously, won't involve my head.
Ugh, lame, I'm really enjoying it, I'd hate to lose it just because of a bunch of sheep-brained fascists.
How are they counting ratings now that it's on Disney anyway? I imagine the BBC and iPlayer ratings will go down considerably. Not because people stopped watching, but because people have a Disney account already and decide to watch it on that platform instead. Or is it not on Disney+ in the UK?
@LauraBatham its not on Disney in the uk
@CaptainKaibyo i cant speak for everyone but we are not fascists the doctor is straight thats why people are not watching because they made him gay but the doctor is not gay he shouldn't be if they want gay characters just make new ones not turn straight characters gay.
@Rtgoqikejuejik the Doctor was created by a Gay Indian Man, a Jewish Woman, and a Canadian, the Eighth Doctor Kissed a man in 1997 the Ninth Doctor kissed a man in 2005 on screen in what was intended by the author and the actors to be romantic. (Also the Doctor is not gay they are not straight either they are pan, bi or Omni depending on how you look at it, there are more sexualities than Gay or Straight).
For more information regarding Queer rep and the queer fanbase may I recommend you read “Queers Dig Time Lords” published in the Early 2000’s by Mad Norwegian Press. It is very good reading.
@Rtgoqikejuejik Arguably, the Fifteenth Doctor is a new character. So the showrunners are doing exactly what you suggested.
In saying that however, @CaptainKaibyo is way out of line. People will stop watching for many reasons, not just because they are sheep brained (gotta admit, haven't heard this term used since the anti-vaxxers during covid lockdowns) or fascists.
@Rtgoqikejuejik I mean, the Doctor was originally asexual, if anything.
I thought it was on Disney+ in the U.K. My brother watches it at midnight and he lives in London. Maybe he does something sneaky with a VPN. Or maybe he just lies. Who knows lol.
Also, this sounds suspiciously like somebody else on here who used to say the Doctor can never be gay. It was just as stupid then. The Doctor can be a man, a woman, somewhere in between, black, white, or brown—but only ever straight? Surely any reasonable person would be able to see that that's not just silly, it's actually homophobic.
@WaltK Nah, his feelings for Cameca were definitely sincere.
@Anastasia Cousins I believe what the BBC technically said is that in comparison to other shows it's going well. In terms of raw numbers, which they've released, it's continuing to drop.
@LauraBatham Disney+ will, from time to time, put out rankings on how well shows did relative to other shows, and from that plus sometimes putting out numbers for specific shows, you can bound the numbers on their shows generally. I can't recall the specifics, but the two part premier did worse than some of their old back catalogue shows on the week it was released, iirc. (fwiw, as a complete bystander, with no inside information, my guess is that Disney isn't thrilled with this, but they're probably putting in less than 3m per episode, so it's relatively cheap original programming for them compared to their Star Wars or Marvel stuff, so they'll probably consider it worth it.)
@FH2104 Also releases on midnight on iPlayer.
What do you think?