This is like a bloody slap in the face. I'm not ready for another axe
Yay! Really exciting news if true. (Though my suspicion is that it'd go back to just being a BBC production without Disney funding - Moffat has been very clear that it makes the BBC a ton of money in merch.)
Why would that be exciting? I’m not sure if I understand all the criticisms in the article. Saying that being “woke” is a problem is just stupid, and that’s nothing new for Who anyway. Complaining about a lack of returning villains also doesn’t make sense since the Celestial Toymaker and Sutekh both showed up. Past seasons of the new series generally only had a couple of episodes with returning villains. It is ridiculous that the star of the show was mostly missing from two out of the eight episodes though.
Oh, I think all the criticisms this article has are stupid. I just think the show needs to go on hiatus for the time being in order to get away from the same old creatives controlling it and to bring in new, fresh voices.
People like Briggs basically got their start as fan creators and then pulled the ladder up behind them - very rarely looking into new talent outside of the stable of writers they already know and trust.
Davies seems creatively drained, he decided that the best way to attract new viewers was to do a sequel to a story from the 70s.
Rogue is the first episode not written by someone who was involved in S3 since Haunting.
Cornell, Gatiss, Moffat, Davies, all of these people wrote for the VNAs at one point - and the VNAs had an open submission policy - anyone could submit work to them. The EDA's started out with one as well! Nobody has a general open submission policy these days, and Big Finish only opens submissions for a restricted, specific, thing once a year, accepting one winner. (Obverse and some smaller presses will do so for an anthology every once in a while, but they tend to take far more than just one person.)
Hell, this doesn't even mention people like Cook or GRussell, Morris or Magrs, or the ton of people at BF other than Briggs. Doctor Who has been captured by a generation of fans who didn't have any competition for writing for it in the 90s, worked to bring it back, and since then have been very selective in who they allow into the good ol' boys club, making it hyper competitive, when they themselves were given so many opportunities that people these days lack. Are some people making it? Yes. Some are. But it's damn harder than it should be. And the easiest way to fix this, imo, would be a 10 year or so hiatus. Which would also solve the problem of the failing creative energy on the part of the show.
What do you think?