@SonicTsils thats just getting to confusing, however the Tomorrow Windows does imply that Eight regenerates into many, many Doctor (like Hex-Generation or was it sept? I don’t quite remember how many bodies).
@Anastasia Cousins, what happened to the other two?
@Anastasia Cousins are the other two Shalka and Atkinson?
@Talon1105 yes they are Shalka and Atkinson.
@Kevin 'Chalky' Kaiba they are Shalka and Atkinson.
Reveration where the Doctor's regeneration reverses back to a previous incarnation.
@Chris402 like power of the Doctor and the 60th anniversary?
@Anastasia Cousins yes but where The Doctor literally changes back to that certain previous incarnation like 1st Doctor, 8th Doctor or 11th Doctor.
@Chris402 i mean, you can’t really get anything more than Tennant as 14… except for maybe him wearing his old costume rather than his new one.
If the doctor were to literally regenerate into an old incarnation wouldn’t that mean they would lose all their memories of incarnations past that point? Really to work properly Tennant is the closest you can get to that. Unless there was some “timely wimey” stuff where they switch timelines or something like that but even that wouldn’t be regenerating into a past incarnation. All the doctors are the same person and same incarnation technically. Just different face.
@Chris402 Power of the Doctor did that when the Master!Doctor degenerated (that is the turn used on screen and in the EU) back into the 13th Doctor.
What do you think?