I mean, it's just ridiculous. It's fun, but it's not very good. Yartek thinking he can disguise himself by wearing a hood despite having a head the size of Denmark. When another villain is thrown down a well (I think), the only thing we see plummet is a fluttering cut-out. The cavernous set for Arbitan's tower is impressive, but comes at the expense of the cramped beach. Watching the cast tiptoe around it, finding new places to step and "suddenly" noticing things that must have been in clear view isn't without its moments, but doesn't do much to engage us in the story. If it's bad now, aired after the expansive (and expensive) Marco Polo it must have been egregious. The plot itself, as Dr Theta Sigma demonstrated the other week, barely touches upon its moral dilemma at all.
Are the Voord blokes in suits, or creatures that look like blokes in suits? Is it Voord or Voords? How are we supposed to take Sabetha's fairytale romance with Altos seriously when he's apparently as gay as a goose? In the event, we probably don't care. Fun though.