Does anyone fell like the foundations are being changed in unnecessary ways just to be politically correct. for example the general in hell bent regenerating into a black woman, the fugitive doctor, maestro being referenced as the little boys dad referencing he is gay, the transgender friend getting into the limo in the goblin episode, the companions mum having a baby without a husband. im not including missy and whitaker because i think a female doctor/master was a great idea that needed to happen (couldve work out better for jodie but still). PLEASE TRY TO BE CHILL WITH THIS! i just think this is too much to spread between 3 episodes and if it carries on like this it might become a problem. im expecting at least 1 or 2 hate comments but if you are a reasonable person id like to hear your opinion no matter what side of the fence you are on. i want everyone represented in doctor who, but do it slowly