If doctor who didnt make a series or write for an entire year how many animations could they get done
If doctor who didnt make a series or write for an entire year how many animations could they get done
I mean assuming they lost money somehow (which I doubt) they were already “sold” to the public upon airing, then as a reconstruction, audio with described action and now a cartoon. Every time it is purchased (and if you stream it on a legit service you just paid for it) the bbc has more than made the money to complete the rest and to a high standard. I would also be interested in the figures for sure :)
Well the church on ruby road didnt do tell from what ive seen
Nobody watches anything on actual tv. You can’t get a look at how well the show is doing based on ratings since nobody is watching it like that. Streaming figures are strong. Also considering the show is recovering it’s audience from the last era I’ll be glad to give it a chance. Also not everyone who likes this show tunes in Christmas Day. Crazy thing people, spending time with family and watching the show later on demand like a normal person.
So how do we judge if its on the verge of being canceled again
Streaming figures will go down, BBC will lose some funding when you guys vote Tory for the bazillionth time anything can happen. It’s fair to be concerned but nobody who makes that sort of call has in any way suggested this is happening. The BBC is certainly doing some weird things for a show they are seconds from cancelling. Guest stars, big flashy specials, signing distribution deals around the world. Pushing ever more expanded media. It looks healthy from where I am sitting. If you don’t like the direction that’s fair but it isn’t “failing”.
Also the cancellation in 89 lead to a terrible movie that gave us Paul as the 8th. We got big finish in 1999 and books/comics. It’s really difficult to say that this show ever really gets “cancelled”. Also if it begins to suck, why do we care if it’s cancelled again?
Its not the show its self im that bothered about its more the animations i dont want them to stop
I don’t share the anxiety that they won’t I think there is plenty of economic reasons to do it. But I will say I would share your complete dismay if that happened! I’d be heartbroken. I took the time to listen to them but to see would be magical and to share them with my daughter is something I really want. Here’s hoping this promise is kept
Hope so i would be more heartbroken if the animations stopped especially with only 11 left
Me too :( it’s a sad thing to have to worry about and I hope we don’t have too. The classic series is so so important. The legacy who to me is not an add on. It’s a feature.
What do you think?