What do you all think about David Tennent coming back
What do you all think about David Tennent coming back
It's a great move for the 60th, because I wouldn't want that to be Ncuti's first story. Can you imagine the pressure?
However, I HATE that they're calling him the Fourteenth Doctor. Imo, only the "main" Doctors should be numbered. This one should either be 10 again, 13.5 or have another name like the War or Fugitive Doctors did. Because now we're gonna have to remember that time Tennant became the Doctor again for some specials when we number the Doctors.
@Bruce Wayne of Earth-1 I agree, but I'm also taking the "he's the Fourteenth Doctor" thing with an almighty pinch of salt: seems like it's out of shock value than any sensible reason, and as such I don't expect it'll stick. John Hurt deserves his own number way more so if Tennant the Third gets one, then we might as well dish them out to everyone.
^I mean they have officially announced him as such, I doubt they're gonna be like "Nah, he doesn't count now, Ncuti is 14". Especially since they've faked us with Ncuti being 14 once already.
@Bruce Wayne of Earth-1 Yeah, and to be fair I expect you're probably right. I'm just aware - and hopeful- they might go back on it. I remember them - albeit very briefly - making a big thing of Jackson Lake being the next Doctor. So we'll see.
^Well yeah, but they never said "David Morrissey is the Eleventh Doctor" or anything like that.
I really liked the Tennant era, it was modern Doctor Who at it's best. Sadly the glory days are long gone, the inclusion of Tennant is comparable to placing a sticking plaster over a gaping wound. The damage has been done.
@Druscilla Penny That's ridiculous.
I wouldn’t want him (or any other Doctor) back permanently, but I’m excited to have him back for a few specials.
Around the time it was announced the 14th doctor was going debut in 2023 I was holding out hope that 14's first season would be earlier in the year and would be in the 60th later that year just like with series 7B. It became clear that wasn't going to happen a while ago so this certainly is a decision not necessarily a good one, but a decision none the less.
What do you think?