What would the world be like without British television series and a global multimedia franchise called Doctor Who?
What would the world be like without British television series and a global multimedia franchise called Doctor Who?
Nobody would care about police boxes, angel statues, pepper pots, bow ties, fezzes, screwdrivers, potatoes, or scarfs.
I mean, for the world as a whole, probably not much would change, it would just be minus a pretty large fandom. For specific individual people, it could make more of a difference- like for me personally, I do think Doctor Who has made a difference in my life in a lot of ways, and I think I'd be different, to some extent or another, if it had never existed. Probably not in a good way. I don't know, though, maybe I'm just a weirdo who takes fictional stories too seriously lol.
It would be so boring and sad, and I think I would be a lot more depressed. If I didn't have the Doctor, I don't know if I would be as hopeful.
For me, it'll be little different because there'll be no references of the show and the actors who played the doctor would have different lives.
I guess I wouldn't be sad because I wouldn't know about DW to compare this life with this hypothetical. I wouldn't have spent 200+ hours staring at my screen (albeit this was during kickdown, so there wasn't really anything else to do).
Lock down would be even more boring.
I also feel like Doctor Who taught me a lesson or two, made me less indifferent to life.
And I also take fictional stories seriously, because no matter what story, somebody wrote that, somebody made those characters, it's a part of their imagination, part of their being even. People find themselves in stories, people grow through stories, so yes, fiction should be treated with respect and seriousness. (I'm getting philosophical, I guess it's time to sleep).
And on a funny note, if Doctor Who didn't exist, Reid and Garcia from Criminal Minds wouldn't dress like 4th and 11th Doctors for a vidcon, lol.
I wouldn't make silly jokes about certain characters "regenerating" when portrayed by certain actors, Muse's gig keyboard during their Absolution era would have had a different nickname and Radiohead's "Up on the Ladder" would have different lyrics in its intro.
Oh, and Life on Mars' Sam Tyler would have had a different surname as -if I remember things correctly- the one who came up with it was the daughter of some head honcho of the series, who was a Rose fan.
...yeah, this little tidbit made me wonder about possible fob watched Master crossovers. Moreso considering that 24 Hour Party People may be of questionable relevance within the Whoniverse :p
David Tennant wouldn't be as famous.
I found this on Pinterest, and it is so true.
I really think I would have ended up as a really embarrassing Potterhead or Supernatural stan if it weren’t for Doctor Who.
What do you think?