98 Votes in Poll
Do the "Silence" mind powers work on all the others?
If not: The Daleks
If so: The Daleks
Because it's all pest control to the Daleks
The Silence would win cuz no-one can remember them.
It would probably end in a draw.
Daleks already overpowered Silence in one episode (where they made Dalek puppets out of Silence), so they probably would be the winners in this one.
The Daleks wouldn't hesitate to exterminate the Silence if they saw them...
The Master would be quickly exterminated, and then exterminated again whilst he was regenerating...
The Great Intelligence would probably be the easiest to exterminate...
And we all saw the Cybermen lose embarrassingly to the Daleks back in Doomsday...
As for the Weeping Angels... Do Daleks blink? I'm sure they could shatter the stone that the Weeping Angels are quantum-locked in the form of, but would that kill the Angels? And any of the other creatures don't blink, then the Angels aren't gonna accomplish anything.
The clear winner is the Daleks.
The Great Intelligence is literally a Great Old One from the Cthulhu Mythos, it is older than the universe and a threat to time lord civilisation, it is not bound by the laws of physics, it only problem is that is has no form to act in, so it all depend if their is a maximum time limit for the combat, because if not then the great intelligence just outlives most of them and then slowly picks of the rest over millennia by possessing various Various hosts, who’s to say It could not posses the Dalek emperor should it be able to manipulate it significantly.
@TheGeek100 I feel like The Sontarans have been wrongly barred from this poll! The Sontarans love war and they would probably happily fight any of these on their own, but if push came to shove they would probably still fight them all at once at any time and in any place.
That said though I'm not sure how adding The Sontarans to the equation would change the outcome as they'd still probably be exterminated by The Daleks, much like a majority of the other foes in this poll would be.
@Grandpa Lo70 I am surprised I didn’t put them in the poll because of how many episodes they appear in. I am also surprised I didn’t add the Zygons either, but like you said, they would have been killed by any one of the other things in the poll.
@TheGeek100 I feel as if Flux tried to add as many main threats to the doctor as possible as Silence & The Great Intelligence hardly ever appear anymore, whereas the Daleks, Cybermen, Weeping Angels, The Master & The Sontarans appear on an extremely frequent basis. The Doctor even hijacked a Sontaran strategy in The Vanquishers and therefore killed 3 of their 5 main enemies. In terms of the Zygons though, again like Silence & The Great Intelligence they hardly appear much anymore.
What do you think?