74 Votes in Poll
Top 3 Whittaker episodes.
I had to vote for Fantastic (I'm hopeful that if that Tier wins the episode will land between War Of The Sontarans & The Haunting Of Villa Diodati) as in my opinion the episode had some extremely high highs, yet some very low lows as I have stated in a review of this episode on @Phulk 's review post which I will link below:
Edit: Just want to make clear that this poll is only open for approx 24 hours. I will most likely collate the stats on this post and place the episode in it's relevant Tier upon the Tier list as the website wherein the Tier list is from now includes that episode. Upon doing so I will once again be taking a screenshot and posting it in the Tier List Finale Post.
A good enough episode with a nice plot and guest characters. I'm a little mixed on the Thasmin stuff though.
After 19 hours it looks set to be a battle between the Good & Fantastic Tiers, but which will win (Sorry due to the approx 24 hour time that this vote is open for I want to spread a small bit of hype due to the votes being very narrow between the two Tiers)?
Edit: Just looked at the Fantastic Tier stats and if this episode retains the a Fantastic Tier percentile below 49 but above 35 it could only just sandwich in between (The current stat of 36% Fantastic Tier would only just place this episode above The Haunting Of Villa Diodati).
This vote is now Closed. I can now reveal that the winning Tier was the Fantastic Tier with a 34% voting percentile, but this episode wasn't as well liked as The Haunting Of Villa Diodati in the end (That episode has a 35% Fantastic Tier percentile), with that episode sandwiching between War Of The Sontarans & Eve Of The Daleks.
Upon updating the Tier List I will be placing the new screenshot as a reply in my Tier List Finale post.
I am glad that I closed this vote when I did. Having the even split between the Good & Fantastic Tier would have been annoying and I'd have extended the vote by a day like with It Takes You Away and if there was still as a split had to have placed this episode in the even split Tier (This vote was only open for 24 hours and when the vote closed there was a 33% Majority in the Fantastic Tier).
Wow, Eve Of The Daleks has experienced a fall from grace since the vote closed as it now has a 33% Good Tier Majority.
What do you think?