My favorite is "Daughter of the Gods" from Big Finish.
Can't decide between Flip-Flop, Live 34 or The Reaping.
This is very tricky but, from what I've listed to so far, probably Doctor Who and the Pirates, The Rapture or The Devil in Ms. Wildthyme.
This is too hard. If I can have a series as a whole, it’s ‘Missy Series 1’, but if not then I honestly don’t know. Maybe ‘The Beginning’, but I’m probably only saying that because I listened to that just yesterday.
Probably Spare Parts, though I do also love The Scorchies.
Maybe Year Of The Pig. Dalek Empire 3 is also just incredible.
Zagreus, Chimes of Midnight, or the Holy Terrorn. If big finish only. But if we include others the the Faction Paradox Shadow Play
Protect and Survive
I feel incompetent to answer, as I've only listened to three or four audios in total, but Frostfire was really good.
Definitely “Destroyer of Delights”. It features a Djinn and we all know I like them.
What do you think?