It's not a surprise that Doctor Who Series 12 and Doctor Who Flux has brought up some of the biggest questions in Doctor Who canon. Like Who are Azure and Swarm? What is The Flux? What's the conection with The Division and The Doctor?
This episode had mentioned that "TIME" itself is a villian, also Swarm had said that "Time will go runing wild and The Tardis won't like it." Now we know that The Doctor is The Timeless Child so maybe he is the person who assembled the Maouri to trap "Time". Timeless against Time, you got it? It has it's logic.
Who is Swarm?And Azure? Maybe some sort of guardians of "Time" that with the help of The Division, The Doctor trapped. Swarm was in the Division custody, but Azure was in a human body and brainwashed maybe a sideffect of Maori keeping the TIME in check?
The Division are The Timelords so is no surprise that they will want The Doctor without his/her memory(he/she forgets that can regenerate more than 12 times).
We also know that Swarm and Azure have the opose power of The Doctor:
The Doctor can regenarate unlimated
Swarm and Azure can kill unlimited
So that makes sense The Doctor wants to keep Time in check and preserve life and Swarm wants Time(The Flux) to destroy everything.
Why I say That "Time" is the Flux? Go above a little when I explained that "TIME" is The Doctor's most powerful enemy.
This episode had mentioned that "TIME" itself is a villian, also Swarm had said that "Time will go runing wild and The Tardis won't like it."
When The Flux begin The Tardis start to work bad. When The Tardis worked that bad? When an unknown entity(TIME/The Flux) made it explode in 11'th Doctor first series(Series 5 Last 2 episodes)?! Now I don't say that they planed Series 13 when working on Series 5 but is canon afterall and The Tardis doesn't take it too well! Also The Tardis didn't stand a chance against The Flux in first episode also. Now you got it?
What do you think? I am close of something?